About Yack Health


Caring for the community

Yackandandah Health was built by the community for the community. Caring for all generations, across all stages of life, we have been an integral part of this beautiful and historic region for decades.

Now proudly part of the Apollo Care Alliance, an innovative national provider with a unique vision to strengthen regional not-for-profit care communities, Yackandandah Health will continue to provide quality services to all members of our community.

Our Services

Yackandandah Health provides intergenerational care and services:

Annual Reports

Annual Report - 2021-2022

Annual Report - 2019-2020

Annual Report - 2018-2019

Annual Report - 2017-2018

Annual Report - 2016-2017

Other Reports

Financials Report - 2021-2022

Audit Report - 2019-2020

Prudential Report - 2019-2020

Our History

A Timeline of Yackandandah Health


The Yackandandah Sanatorium was established at the corner of Kars and High Streets by Dr. Mueller.


On June 8th, the original private 'Cottage Hospital' is opened in High Street.


The Victorian Bush Nursing Association is formed.


On August 28th at a public meeting in the Shire Hall, the decision is taken to purchase the private hospital and convert it into an intermediate hospital supported by the public.


The Yackandandah Bush Nursing Intermediate Hospital is opened by Association Secretary Sir James Barrett on April 24 1926.

On June 2nd the Yackandandah Centre of the Victorian Bush Nursing Association is officially established.


The search for a new hospital site is commenced.  A building fund is established.


On July 22nd  at the Annual General Meeting of the District Council – as the hospital’s committee is designated – it is moved and carried that the hospital be built on ‘Miss Hobbs’ corner’ at the intersection of Albury Road, later Isaacs Avenue, and Racecourse Road.


In July, plans and specifications are prepared by the Honorary Architect Mr. Elliott.  The plans are approved by the Health Department in August and tenders called.


On February 25th, Shire President Cr. Coish lays the foundation stone for Yackandandah’s new hospital.


In June electric lighting is installed.


Extensions are completed with a modern nursery, 2 new rooms, a verandah. Quarters for the staff opened on December 5th.


The State Electricity Commission helps to finance an extension making Yackandandah the second-largest Bush Nursing Hospital in the state with 27 beds.


Hospital bed numbers are decreased to 18 patients.

A new consulting room suite and residence is built. Dr Gequillana begins work as Yackandandah’s doctor.


On March 30th the first Meals on Wheels are prepared in the hospital kitchen.


The Federal Government introduces Medicare.


On October 1st, the Federal Government re-classifies bush nursing hospitals as private hospitals and removes the daily bed subsidy of $20 paid to each patient, thereby limiting Yackandandah hospital’s admissions to patients covered by private hospital insurance.


Midwifery services are suspended.


On September 11th at the annual general meeting, the president announces that a submission for Commonwealth Government funding would be made to build a hostel for frail and/or disabled residents.


Land is purchased from Mr. and Mrs. K. Storey as a hostel site.


In May 1992 approval in principal is given to build a 28-bed hostel. On August 31st a fundraising campaign to build the hostel is launched.


On November 11th 1994, the 30 bed Yamaroo Hostel is opened.


Yamaroo’s rooms are fully occupied.


In May 1996, the hospital is fully accredited by the Australian Council on Healthcare Standards.


Dr Gequillana retires in July.  Central Medical Group takes over the general medical practice.


On September 29th a new 12-bed hostel extension is opened.


On March 15th the new kitchen, laundry and hairdressing rooms are completed.


On February 6th a new 10 bed high care unit is opened.


The new 21 bed high care unit is opened, making a total of 67 residential aged care beds.


The acute hospital service is suspended.


The name of Yackandandah Bush Nursing Hospital is changed to Yackandandah Health.


Yackandandah’s Men’s Shed, ‘The Yack Shack’, is opened.


  • Yackandandah Health takes over the management of the medical centre on site.


Yackandandah health opens 16 residential aged care rooms in two separate 8 room homes.  10 one-bedroom apartments are opened to provide an alternative accommodation option.


  • Little Yacks Childcare service is opened, providing an innovative education environment for our youngest residents.


  • Animal Care Sanctuary funding received. Works commence on re-purposing water tanks and design interactive garden spaces. Due for completion mid 2020.

We thank Mr. Colin Barnard, for compiling the History of Yackandandah Bush Nursing Hospital/Yackandandah Health used as a resource for this timeline.