Getting Started

Getting Started

We’re here to guide you and provide expert support as you explore aged care solutions

Yackandandah Health Aged Care offers permanent care, respite care and dementia support care in our welcoming, country-stye community.

Download Aged Care Guide

Your first step

To find out if you or your loved one is eligible for permanent or respite aged care, arrange an assessment by an Aged Care Assessment Team (ACAT). You can book an appointment through My Aged Care (visit or call 1800 200 422). Hospitals and doctors can also provide a referral.

What makes us special

Book a tour

We’d love to show you around our community. Our friendly team is here to answer any of your questions, help you navigate the aged care process, and show you why Yackandandah Health Aged Care is such a special community. Just call us on (02) 6028 0100 to arrange a tour.

"My wife and I came here together. My daughters suggested we move together before one of us left for good. Then she passed on. Having already moved here and met people was an enormous help when my wife passed on. The friendship of the staff is very important because I mainly stick to myself."



Our fees are approved by the Commonwealth Department of Health and Ageing.

Fees consist of:

We also encourage prospective residents to view the available information on the My Aged Care website

Frequently Asked Questions


We value your feedback

If you have a concern or think we could do better, please let us know. Your feedback will be received by Apollo Care’s Chief Governance Officer and will remain confidential.

Email feedback to: